Past projects

Aventuras Marítimas (Wikimedia Argentina)
Aventuras Marítimas (Maritime Adventures)
Development of the video game of the winning project of Código Cultura: “Héctor Carlos Janson” Historical and Numismatic Museum of the Central Bank of the Argentine Republic.
Play Game
Astro DJ
AstroDJ: Eclipses & Seasons
Development of an educational video game to learn about eclipses and seasons in a fun way for the site Legends of Learnings.
Play Game
Desiguales (Amnistía Internacional Chile)
Des/iguales (Un/equal)
Development of the video game "Des/iguales", as part of a campaign by Amnesty International Chile to raise awareness about the inequalities women face throughout their lives during Women's Month 2025.
Play Game
App Lectoescritura - Fundación Aurora
Reading and Writing app prototype
Prototype of an educational video game to teach children how to read and write.
Watch Gameplay Video

Clients that trusted us

Our team previously worked with

Our team brings a wealth of expertise, having collaborated with leading international and Argentine companies in the gaming industry.

Experiencia previa - Empresas

Our teams achievements

The members of our team participated in the development of games that range from internationally known and commercially successful games,
to emblematic and awarded games for the Latin American industry.
In these games we have covered roles of Game Design, Content Management, Art, UX/UI, Programming, Narrative Design and Production.

Experiencia previa - Juegos